AAFC - Publications

Our AAFC Branch, Historical Committee has continued its several projects. We have added some text and images to our Honour Board registration with the Places of Pride website of the Australian War Memorial. Meanwhile Flt Lt (ret) Mike Hampson has initiated the 7 Wing AAFC Photo History Project, which is identifying AAFC cadets and instructors in group photos. The project in itself brings back memories and reconnects former colleagues. Reunions will resume, once restrictions are lifted. 

Following Wings of Valour, a second book, Wings of Time, by Charles Page, was launched on 7 December 2019 by ex WA Governor Dr Ken Michael AC and has now sold out. The book recorded the experiences and achievements of 80 air cadets, including two WA Governors, and many other high achievers. Honours and awards include 3 ACs, 1 AO, 2 AMs, and 5 OAMs. The AAFC Branch is grateful to RAAFA WA for a grant which enabled publication. Depending on demand, a reprint and or digital version will be considered. 

Wings of Valour, 2nd Edition is now available for purchase in a limited print run. The book is 126 pages, A4, high quality, soft cover, with enhanced images, and an index. Three additional air cadet biographies have been added: Edgar Edwards, killed in a Catalina crash near Mindanao; Ronald Kerrigan, killed in a Beaufighter crash near Broome; Peter Trenaman, killed in an Anson crash off Lakes Entrance, Victoria.

Wings of Valour, 2nd Edition sale price is $30, with free delivery in metro Perth. To secure your copy, please contact Charles Page via chaz747@bigpond.com or mobile 0417 966 974.

Research is well under way for our third book, Wings of Eagles, which will include cadets and instructors from WWII, through the Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East, up to the present day. As an example, we have an ex cadet who is leader of the RAAF Roulettes, another is Commandant of Army Aviation, and yet another flew Phantoms in Vietnam. Our aim is to shine a light on stories that deserve their place in the annals of the RAAF and the AAFC. 

NAME:  Wings of Valour

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

In December 2016, 7 Wing (WA) AAFC became the first Wing in Australia to have an Honour Roll Board of cadets who died in service. The Honour Board was funded by a DVA grant and researched and designed by Charles Page and Mike Hampson, of RAAFA WA AAFC Branch.

Finding the names of the West Australian air cadets who died in service ensured they would not be forgotten, but what of their lives? For the sake of their sacrifice, and our heritage, there was a compelling need to put faces to the names and stories to the names. Thus began an intensive search that has reaped great rewards.

And now 7 Wing WA is the first Wing to have a Book of Remembrance, in the form of Wings of Valour by Charles Page. On 5 January 2018 at 7 Wing HQ Australian Air Force Cadets, RAAF Pearce, a glass topped jarrah cabinet was placed under the recently installed Honour Board. The cabinet was designed by Charles Page at the request of Wing Commander (AAFC) Rob Caldera, OC 7 Wing WA. The cabinet displays a copy of the book Wings of Valour . Each cadet has two facing pages of biography and photographs, and the pages will be turned at regular intervals.

Other copies of the book have been sent to AAFC National HQ, National Library Australia, Australian War Memorial, the RAAF Museum Point Cook, the RAAF Heritage Library, the Battye Library, and the Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek WA. The book records the brave deeds of the 49 AAFC cadets from Western Australia, who died in service. Of these 49 cadets, 32 died in WWII, 3 in the Korean War, 6 in the Vietnam War, and 8 in tragic accidents.

The stories that unfolded from 70-year-old files never ceased to amaze. Finding these men and their stories was something that needed to be done, because our duty of care extends beyond the field of battle.

One of the most tragic cases is that of Beaufighter pilot Billy McGuigan who belonged to ATC 76 Squadron Fremantle, was shot down in the Celebes Islands, captured by the Japanese, but then killed in war atrocity just before just before the end of WWII. 

In the European theatre, air gunner Raymond Broad’s Lancaster was shot down by a night fighter. After receiving the feared telegram, his proud mother Lucy replied, ‘My lad was the light of our house, and everyone had to be bright with him’. 

Also shot down by a night fighter, pilot Richard Bennett was killed when his Lancaster was hit by canon fire and exploded in mid-air over Trachenau, Germany. And how could we forget Lancaster air gunner, Edward Charman, who was shot down over Germany on 11 November – Remembrance Day 1944. 

In memory of Lancaster wireless operator Phillip Smith, his family have dedicated an Honour Plaque in Kings Park, Perth, and on the anniversary of his uncle’s death, nephew Jim Smith places a photograph of his uncle (taken ten days before he died) on the plaque. Phillip Smith and air gunner Charles Barlow shared the same voyage to UK on the RMS Aquitania. Barlow was shot down on 21 July 1944, and in 2001 his Lancaster was excavated in the Netherlands. 

Another Bomber Command casualty, John Parr Ion, was killed when his Lancaster was shot down over the Dutch coast in August 1944. His sister Norma visited the grave in 1984: ‘I still recall watching him walking up our street, rucksack on his back as he turned around for a final wave before boarding the trolley bus for Perth and his final departure. More and more families received telegrams advising their loved ones had been killed or missing in action, but somehow we bathed in the belief this wouldn’t happen to us – but it did’. 

One of the several air cadets who joined the Navy, Ronald Sharpe was crew on HMAS Australia when it was attacked by a Japanese dive bomber in Leyte Gulf, Philippines. Ronald was mortally wounded and died the next day on 21 October 1944 – Trafalgar Day. 

In the Korean War, 77 Squadron Meteor pilot John Halley was shot down while ground strafing, on his 77th sortie. Also from 77 Squadron, Meteor pilot Max (Bluey) Colebrook won the DFM and US Air Medal, and was killed by ground fire while strafing near Seoul, Korea. 

Of the West Australian air cadets killed in Vietnam, five were in the Australian Army and one in the Navy. Corporal Peter Clements from 12 Flight Christian Brothers College was commander of an armoured personnel carrier at the iconic Battle of Long Tan, and received mortal injuries. Also from 12 Flight, Anthony Waring was called up for National Service, served with 5RAR in Vietnam, and was killed by a rocket propelled grenade at the Battle of Binh Ba. A park in Perth has been named in his honour. 

We owe these cadets a great debt, but telling their stories through this book, is one way of repaying that debt. Wings of Valour is history written with empathy, and makes for emotional and inspiring reading. 

Wings of Valour is a highly reviewed, high quality, A4 soft back, 118 pages, 200 illustrations with some in colour. Author Charles Page is a retired international airline pilot, and RAAFA WA AAFC Branch Project Manager History. His published books include Vengeance of the Outback, and Wings of Destiny, which was selected for the Chief of Air Force’s RAAF Reading List in 2010. 

To purchase Wings of Valour please contact Charles Page: chaz747@bigpond.com tel (08) 9305 1582. Suggested rrp $30 

Download the book cover and this extract here.

In December 2016, 7 Wing (WA) AAFC became the first Wing in Australia to have an Honour Roll Board of cadets who died in service. The Honour Board was funded by a DVA grant and researched and designed by Charles Page and Mike Hampson, of RAAFA WA AAFC Branch. One Honour Board was installed at RAAF Pearce, and another at the Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek. 

And now 7 Wing WA is the first Wing to have a Book of Remembrance, in the form of Wings of Valour by Charles Page. On 5 January 2018 at 7 Wing HQ, a glass topped jarrah Remembrance Cabinet was placed under the recently installed Honour Board. The cabinet was designed by Charles Page at the request of Wing Commander (AAFC) Rob Caldera, OC 7 Wing WA, and funded by 7 Wing. The cabinet displays a copy of the book Wings of Valour . Each cadet has two facing pages of biography and photographs, and the pages will be turned at regular intervals. 

Other copies of the book have been sent to AAFC National HQ, National Library Australia, Australian War Memorial, the RAAF Museum Point Cook, the RAAF Heritage Library, the Battye Library, and the Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek WA. The book records the brave deeds of the 49 AAFC cadets from Western Australia, who died in service. Of these 49 cadets, 32 died in WWII, 3 in the Korean War, 6 in Vietnam, and 8 in tragic accidents. 

Wings of Valour is a highly reviewed, high quality, A4 soft back, 118 pages, 200 illustrations with some in colour. Author Charles Page is a retired Boeing 747 captain, and RAAFA WA AAFC Branch Project Manager History. His published books include Vengeance of the Outback, and Wings of Destiny, which was selected for the Chief of Air Force’s RAAF Reading List in 2010. 


‘I was deeply touched by your book.’ Dr Ken Michael, Governor of Western Australia (ret) and Patron of AAFC Branch of RAAFA WA 

As Officer Commanding, Australian Air Force Cadets, No 7 Wing (Western Australia), it is my great privilege, pride and honour … to formally recognise and thank the author of this book, Charles Page, for ensuring that in the years ahead, their lives will be remembered as having great meaning and purpose… Wing Commander (AAFC) Robert Caldera 2 

The Australian Air Force Cadets and its predecessor organisation, the Air Training Corps, therefore owes an enormous debt to Charles Page and those who have assisted him in bringing these stories to us … On behalf of all members of the former Air Training Corps and Australian Air Force Cadets, thank you, Charles, for producing this invaluable history. It is greatly appreciated and will be an inspiration to present and future generations of Australian Air Force Cadets. Wing Commander (AAFC) Robert Caldera 

Regarding Wings of Valour, we have indeed received the Legal Deposit copy, thank you for sending it! We thought that the book is so impressive and potentially valuable to academics and historians of the future that we ordered a second copy of Wings of Valour through our purchased copy supplier. 
Kind regards, Kristen Gidney Legal Deposit | National Library of Australia, Canberra ACT 2600 

The book is now part of the Memorial’s library and is available through the Memorial’s research Centre. Allister Mills, Assistant Curator, Australian War Memorial. 

On behalf of the Director, Mr David Gardner, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your generous donation. This informative and well-presented work is a valuable addition to the Collection. This item has now been accessioned and placed into the RAAF Heritage Collection. The RAAF Heritage Collection provides a rich resource for future generations of historians and researchers and assists the museum to interpret RAAF history for the public. This donation helps to create greater depth to this resource and assists in the development and research of possible displays and public programs. Gary Walsh, Collections Curator, RAAF Museum. 

From: CanYouHelp @ Wanews
Dear Charles, The book arrived the other day and I must congratulate you on how terrific it looks. You must be very pleased. Jenny Kohlen 

Dear Charles, Your latest book, ” Wings of Valour” was delivered yesterday and it has taken a while for it to sink in, that you have dedicated it to me. Thank you so much for honouring me in such a way. Your work to record the lives of those who died will clearly go into the Australian archives, so that unborn generations will know how the cadets of 7 Wing responded to the call to arms and eventually paid the supreme sacrifice.
Sincerely Len. Flight Lieutenant Len Pearce, CO 1069 ATC Squadron, Wimborne, Dorset UK (Len was a Halifax flight engineer in WWII) 

Wings of Valour is a terrific book and I had the feeling when reading it that I had in my hands a huge labour of love. Robert Johnson, Historian, Perth Modern School 

Your book arrived yesterday. A great effort, I can’t imagine the research and work you must have done to complete same. Congratulations..!! Captain Ron Brennan, Brisbane 

Thank you for all your work we are all thrilled. I would love a copy and perhaps for my 3 children. Thank you, Pat Hall

Excellent work thanks Charles. Received your book today and look forward to reading it in detail. Naturally I have been through the Hummers and Bill Goddard stories. Wing Commander (ret) John Griffiths AAFC Alumni 

Thank You Very Much, for my copy of your book “WINGS OF VALOUR”, I shall be enjoying that for a very long time. It really is a superb book Chazz, and will bring back a lot of memories for me.
Many, many thanks, Cheers Roy and Christine Fordham, Cairns 3 

Hi Charles, Thanks so much for your book which is beautifully presented and a great memorial to the cadets. Captain Gerald Dutton, Singapore Airlines 747 

Received the copy of Wings of Valour yesterday thank you very much. Just flicking through it looks like great reading. The quality of the photos and illustrations is superb. Your comment on the back page of many of them never reaching 21 years of age is indeed sobering. Lionel Thompson, Aviation Artist 

Hi Charlie, Rainy day here in Perth today, so spent the morning reading your latest book. Very enjoyable and well researched. You should be very proud of your efforts and your contribution to aviation history. Captain Garth Vickery, Canadian Airlines 

Immaculate production kudos encore. Dr Aroha Page 

Hi Chas, Well done and what a magnificent result for Pearce and the air cadets. Wings of Valour is a great publication. History and Empathy, plus I liked the historical notes. Dr Wally Thompson 

Congratulations, Chaz for your good work on your book “Wings of Valour”. Stanley Leung, Hong Kong 

Your book arrived yesterday..and also saw a bit on facebook. it’s lovely and beautifully produced and a great testament to them all what a wonderful job you’ve done. Teresa Heselden, Faversham, UK 

Wing Commander (AAFC) Rob Caldera and Charles Page 4 

Honour Roll Board and Book of Remembrance Cabinet, 7 Wing AAAFC, RAAF Pearce 5 

Author Charles Page and Book of Remembrance Cabinet 

NAME:  Wings of Time

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

The book Wings of Time was launched on 7 December 2019 by Dr Ken Michael AC at RAAFA WA Merriwa. Dr Michael is a former Governor of WA, Patron of the AAFC Branch of RAAFA WA, and a former air cadet. The occasion was also attended by RAAFA WA Secretary Ron Onions and Squadron Leader Andy Shearman, representing 7 Wing. Wings of Time allows us to travel back in time, to retrieve the experiences, adventures and achievements of 80 air cadets. Many went from cadet to instructor and mentored and inspired succeeding generations. Two of the cadets became WA State Governors, and several others have earned a high measure of fame. Some joined the RAAF, or became commercial pilots, and there are all manner of trades and professions, from architects to yachtsmen. Honours and awards include 3 ACs, 1 AO, 2 AMs, and 5 OAMs. The many notables include WA Governors Dr Ken Michael and Malcolm McCusker, author Robert Drewe, Ray Hartley who wrote songs for Vera Lynn, yachting champion Rolly Tasker, and pilot Brian Edwards who flew his Tiger Moth ‘Matilda’ from England to Australia. Others in the book, include Graeme McGlashan, who recalls how he met his future wife Berice at a dance organised by 3 Flight Fremantle. We also hear from Graham Wilson, whose Uncle Lyle had a dogfight with the Red Baron. Then there is pilot Harry Brown, who flew Hurricanes, Tempests, Mustangs and Vampires, and enthralls us with his many anecdotes. There is so much variety in these stories, that take us back to WWII and the decades since. However, one thing the cadets and instructors have in common, is the camaraderie of those ever remembered, halcyon days in the air cadets. The rich heritage of 7 Wing is being recorded in a trilogy of books for present and future generations. The first book in the trilogy, Wings of Valour, commemorated the cadets and instructors who died in service. This led to the construction of an Honour Board, and a Book of Remembrance Cabinet at 7 Wing HQ, Pearce. An Honour Board was also placed in the Aviation Heritage Museum, Bullcreek. The second book, Wings of Time, will be followed by a third book, Wings of Eagles, which will chronicle cadets and instructors who served operationally from WWII onwards, and won honours and awards. Wings of Time is A4, soft cover, 304 pages, fully illustrated colour and b&w. It was funded by a grant from RAAFA WA. Enquiries chaz747@bigpond.com  Download the book cover and this extract here. 

NAME:  Phillip Smith – From Air Cadet to Bomber Command

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

NAME:  The Lost Beaufighter

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

NAME:  The Night of Remembrance Day

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

NAME:  Alfred Ball – Halifax ‘Spoof’ Pilot

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

NAME:  Bird Strike at Butterworth

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

NAME:  Memories Keep Candles Burning

AUTHOR:  Charles Page

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